I have been doing CrossFit since 2009. When I started, I did not have any thoughts of opening a gym, but over time that changed. A decision that has changed my life forever!

Training athletes is an extreme passion of mine. To have the ability to progress each person towards his or her personal goals is something I take very seriously; their goals are my goals!

As much as I love the training aspect, I love the community just as much. Over the years, I have heard the word community thrown around very loosely but until we opened Excess, I never really knew what that meant. When we first opened the doors in 2015, Angie and I had a vision of the type of community we wanted to grow.

We wanted Excess to be a place people could call their home, a place that for at least one hour a day they could decompress and leave their worries, stress, fears, and insecurities at the door. Over the years, our members have embraced and even enhanced our original thoughts to a level we never could have imagined. The amount of pride this gives me is indescribable and it is something I will cherish the rest of my life!